26 August, 2009

Dialogue Within The Framework Of The Constitution Is The Way Forward For Somaliland

"Plari" Dialogue Within The Framework Of The Constitution Is The Way Forward For Somaliland

The PolicyLink and Research Institute (PLARI) are calling all parties concerned to obey the rule of law and resolve the current political impasse in Somaliland in line with the framework of the constitution.

PLARI is international non-partisan and non-governmental organisation consisting of network of culturally and politically diverse citizens working together in a unified manner for the purpose of encouraging debate, dialogue, information sharing through research and openness to resolve all matters.

It is fair to indicate that Somaliland has being the beacon of Africa and has commendably held successful number of local, parliamentarian and general election in the past.

As the result of the voter registration issue and misunderstandings; this hard earned and well deserved respect by the international community is at stake.

Therefore, we urges all parties, stakeholders in Somaliland to come together to solve the political stalemate which is threatening to send the country into chaos.


* The government to lead by example and respect the constitution and other legal instruments as stipulated

* The Political parties to continue to play the vital role of ensuring that the constitution is respected and campaign for democratic principles in a legitimate apparatus

* The Parliamentarians must respect the wishes of the masses and advocate the will of their constituencies and put national interest first.

* The National Electoral Commission to ensure all political figure heads and parties to be involved in all processes and ensure that all parties are engaged and participated in transparent manner.

In conclusion holding this general election successfully will bring both international and domestic credibility and will restore Somaliland image.

Dr. Osman Hussein Warsame, BEng, MSc, PhD

On behalf of Policylink & Research Institute (PLARI)

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