04 June, 2009


In a special gazette notice dated May 7, 2009, President Kibaki formally appointed Ahmed Isaack Hassan as the Chairperson, while Douglas Mwashigadi, Tiyah Galgalo, Hamara Ibrahim Adan, Kennedy Nyaudi, Dr Yusuf Nzibo, Winfred Waceke Guchu, Davis Chirchir and Abiud Wasike were appointed as members of the interim commission. IIEC has replaced the disbanded Electoral Commission of Kenya, which was led by Samuel Kivuitu, and is expected to compile new voters' registers.

The new team was expected to immediately begin its work amid numerous calls for electoral reforms by members of the public, civil society and religious groups.The team was also expected to come up with a new voters' register and enforce major changes that will restore Kenyans' confidence in the electoral process.It will also prepare the country for the constitution referendum that is expected next year.

The commission will also liaise with the Interim Independent Boundaries Review Commission (IBRC), whose list was approved by Parliament on Thursday afternoon.MPs, while supporting the report tabled by the Chairman of the Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) on constitution review Mohammed Abdikadir, said the success of the Boundaries and Electoral Commissions would go a long way in ensuring the 2012 elections are reliable and enjoy the approval of Kenyans.

"The nine-member team is eminently qualified to carry out the functions set out in the constitution as far as this institution is concerned," he said.Commissioners include Mwenda Makathimo, Abdullahi Sharawe, Murshid Mohammed, Rosa Buyu, Irene Masit, Joseph Kaguthi, John Kinyangi and Jedidah Mtoyai.The key role of the team will be to form, draw and review new administrative and constituency boundaries.Its life span is two years, or three months after a new constitution is made. Owing to the urgency being placed on the reforms agenda, President Kibaki may be likely to assent to the list in due course so that the commissioners work closely with the IIEC.

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