30 October, 2008

Oromia state distributes plasma televisions bought with some 100 mil birr

Wednesday, 29 October 2008
Addis Ababa, October 29 (WIC) – The Oromia Education bureau announced that in order to achieve full and proper transmission coverage from the centre regarding the lessons prepared for all secondary and preparatory schools, it has been distributing plasma televisions bought at a cost of 100 million birr.

The government of the state is distributing 2,309 plasma televisions bought as part of the undertaking to back up the provision of secondary and preparatory level education with modern technology, Bureau Head, Dereje Asfaw, told WIC.

In schools of rural areas where there are no electric lines, generators have been bought and are being distributed for power source, in addition to the plasma televisions.

The plasma televisions would be distributed to 109 new and 155 existing secondary and preparatory schools, Ato Dereje indicated, adding, so far the distribution has been completed in the major zones of the west and south west while the efforts would be made to cover the remaining zones in the coming two weeks.

The Bureau Head also said the installation work starts and becomes operational within a month as soon as the distribution of the plasma televisions is completed. Hence, the existing secondary and preparatory schools, including those built this year, will get the lessons transmitted from the centre properly, he added.

The serious attention the state government gives to the delivery of education via plasma television and hence the huge budget allocated for the procurement from abroad is motivated by the need to avoid the gap between rural and urban areas with the support of modern technology, according to the head.

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