20 September, 2008

Hadith of the Day - Ramadan Hadith 14

The Messenger of Allah (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) said:
"Perhaps a fasting person will get nothing from his fast except hunger and thirst, and perhaps a person who prays during the night will get nothing from his prayer except sleeplessness."
[Related by Imam Ahmad and Ibn Majah]

The Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) is warning us that if we do not fast properly with the correct intention and without falling into wrong doing then we may be of those who get nothing from their fast but hunger, thirst and fatigue.

May Allah (SWT) protect us and accept our fasts and multiply it's rewards for us, prayers & peace upon the final messenger, his family, his companions and all who follow in his footsteps until the end of time – Ameen.

Was Salam


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