09 September, 2008

Beautiful Hadith

A Wayfarer

Abdullah Ibn Umar relates that the Messenger of Allah once grasping my shoulders said; ' Live in this world as though you were a stranger or a wayfarer. '
( Bukhari)

Just as a traveler does not consider an Inn or a foreign country as his home, a truthful Believer should also not imagine the world to be his real abode as if he was going to live here forever.

The manner of living, preferred for mankind by the divine Messengers rests upon the principle that man should treat his earthly stay as purely temporary and prepare ardently for the hereafter. It should be as if he was actually seeing it, or rather, living in it. One's life affirms to the wishes teachings of the Prophets by the extent to which one succeeds in producing this state of the heart. As for those who fall short of this, their life holds nothing in common to the instructions given by them.

(Riyadhul Jannah)

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