26 January, 2012

Gadabuursis Need Somaliland More than Somaliland Needs them

Gadabuursis Need Somaliland More than Somaliland Needs them

There is a clear distinction between being nationalist and tribalism and while the majority of Somaliland people are happy to show the world how much they care about their independence, there are however, very few individuals from Somaliland who are in agreement with Somaliland’s enemies, because their tribal way of understanding things made them to believe that the pride of their particular clan is more important than the national interest and the social developments that Somaliland is crying out for today

And at a time of heightening tension between the loyal Somalilanders and the anti-Somaliland forces, it is every Somalilanders obligation to speak the truth even when the truth may upset those who we share tribal affiliations. Because in my humble opinion the national interest serves for all when at the same time tribalism does nothing for anyone including those who practice and preach tribalism day and night.

So for these reasons as a Somaliland citizen who was born and bred in Awdal region of Somaliland I believe it is time the silent majority in Awdal community to speak up and speak loudly in favor of Somaliland’s sovereignty which we have been part of it for the last two decades.

Today some Awdalites who support Somaliland cause in the past seem to be struggling with their conscious and they cannot bring themselves to support Siilaany’s government but that should not be the case and it should not prevent us to continue supporting Somaliland’s sovereignty.

We need to maintain the ability to separate between the Somaliland’s sovereignty and the current administration which will only remain in power for limited period of time.

There is no question that the majority of sensible Gadabuursi people are pro Somaliland at all cost, however there are young naïve men and women from Awdal who are always ready to declare their allegiance to their racist causes but that shall not deter the decent Awdalites to defend what is right for them and for the whole Somaliland nation before it is too late.

We all have moral obligation to defend our peace and the future of our children, and let us not forget that if we feel Siilaanyo is mishandling Somaliland’s affairs we have a choice to support his opponent within Somaliland’s political circle since we have different political parties, and we certainly do not need to seek help from elsewhere.

The clannish argument that very few anti-Somaliland individuals from Awdal use as weapon, which says “we are nothing and we got nothing in Somaliland” should meet the same level of argument and we should ask them, where on earth the Gadabuursi clan which they feel sorry for has more shares or more powers than we have in Somaliland .

Today we do not have any influences on anything that goes in Mogadishu’s TNG government, and God forbid if Somaliland loses its sovereignty the people from Awdal will be in the mercy of unknowing forces and that would be a disaster for Gadabursi people.

Finally we, the Gadabursis need the existence of Somaliland independence more than any other clan, because Dhulbahante can use Daroodism umbrella if things go wrong. Isaaqis also have more influence on Somalia’s affairs than we have. And geographically Mogadishu is a far away land for the boys and the girls from Awdal region. And the sooner we realize all these realities the sooner we stop feeling sorry for ourselves

Abdale Farah Sigad


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