04 November, 2011

Somalia: Ethiopian Forces Desert Central Somalia

Shabelle Media Network (Mogadishu)

Somalia: Ethiopian Forces Desert Central Somalia

Guri El — A large number of Ethiopian forces deserted central Somalia town to return back to their homeland one day after entering Somalia soil.

Residents and eyewitnesses confirmed the Ethiopians left from the villages of Qeydar and Marodile which situate between the districts of Guri El and Banbal in central horn Africa nation.

Residents added that the Ethiopian military entered the area searching for Oromo fighters who they suspected of having crossed the border into Somalia.

The arrival of Ethiopian forces came as Somalia's moderate Sufi group of Ahlu Sunna Waljama officials recently visited Addis Ababa and held security meetings with that country's leaders.

Meanwhile, forces from Ethiopia routinely cross into southern and central Somalia because it fears Islamists whose numbers are growing, experts said

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