01 September, 2011

Saif al-Islam vows to fight to death as foreign minister is held - Africa, World - The Independent

Saif al-Islam vows to fight to death as foreign minister is held - Africa, World - The Independent: "Muammar Gaddafi's son Saif al-Islam vowed to fight to the death last night as Nato jets pounded positions held by loyalist troops dug in around the ousted Libyan leader's besieged home town of Sirte.

Gaddafi's long-time heir-apparent insisted that his father was fine, and claimed that 20,000 armed supporters were ready to defend the city – the last loyalist stronghold along the heavily populated Mediterranean seaboard.

"We are going to die in our land," he said in the message broadcast on Damascus-based Al-Rai television station. "The resistance continues and victory is near"

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