15 July, 2011

One dollar can save a life

One dollar can save a life: Let us hasten to help drought hit Somali People.

by Abdulkadir A Osman


"Success has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It's what you do for others." . It is religious obligation to help poor and needy people who ever they are and where ever they are, but today it is under your umbrella.

"Visiting United Nations refugee agency Chief Antonio Guterez has declared Somalia the world's worst humanitarian disaster. He called for a rapid aid intervention to avert further deaths as thousands of Somalis continue to flock into already full refugee camps in northern Kenya where aid agencies are struggling to cope with the massive exodus of hungry children, women and men fleeing a severe drought. Speaking after hearing moving ordeals from some of the newly arrived refugees including a woman whose three babies starved to death, Guterez says the refugees from Somalia are the poorest in the world who live in terrible conditions in already congested camps that have exceeded their holding capacity by ten times".

"Charity begins at home".  A devastation of whole Somali people has been prevalent since 1991, but right now situation is at worst levels in terms of drought extent; a massive drought hit thousands of Somali people mainly in Southern part of the country.

International community had already shown  some sort of help but now they are going in  slow motion due to certain reasons, but  Somali People are those who should and must  help their suffering brothers and sisters.

People may die in any single minute, but donation from Somalis can show some endurance what ever extent of the help is , even a dollar can save a life .You may think that other people would help devastated people, you may also assume you don't have that much capital to provide; I think you can. Hesitation itself can kill a  life.

The respond offered by Somali people particularly Mogadishu residents is quite visible and  useful though their capacity is not that much larger.

It is time to respond not  time to criticize. Generally  natural calamity is beyond human cause, but there might be technical difficulties at this time , the pleasure of drought hit vulnerable people is to be fed .

There are plenty of ways to help the deprived people; one best example was made by Somali transitional federal military who cut their salaries for the effaced people. The way some Somali NGOs, Individuals, organizations and business people responded has also been appreciated.

Though communities and business people in autonomous regions of Somalia , like Puntland, Galmudug and  Himan & Heeb have taken some actions but administrations should at least reflect on what is going on, their share is profoundly commendable…

At war we pay our best,  we pay our belongings even thought it is  unreligious and inhumane, but let us stand up for our people…

Abdulkadir A Osman

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