19 July, 2011

Murdoch empire sinking beneath the sands - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

Murdoch empire sinking beneath the sands - Opinion - Al Jazeera English: "'Look on my works, ye mighty; and despair!' So said the base of the statue of Ozymandias of Egypt - Ramasses the Great, Pharaoh of the 19th Dynasty of Ancient Egypt - discovered deep under the desert sands in Shelley's epic poem Ozymandias.

The poet's point being of course that though undoubtedly great, in his day, ultimately Ozymandias and his empire went the way of all flesh, and all empires. So it seems is going the empire of Rupert Murdoch, once the greatest media conglomerate the world has ever known.

Absolute carnage is currently being caused in British public life by the fall-out from the illegal phone hacking carried out by Murdoch's servants. In a story transfixing the country, there are often developments several times daily including arrests of powerful people and resignations from some of the best known public figures in the land.

Like all good scandals follow the money is the maxim. And the question made famous by Watergate - 'What did he know and when did he know it?' is the one on everybody's lips. The 'he' in question is, increasingly, the prime minister himself."


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