19 November, 2010

Rally in Support of 600 families facing eviction and Ceremonial Burning of the Letters

Please find attached leaked letter sent to the UKBA from David Crawford, head of the council social services/housing, leaked to us this morning.
This letter shows that clearly that the UK Borders Agency is a disorganised mess. On November 5th they sent out intimidating 'notice to evict' letters to 600 refugee families in Glasgow Council accommodation telling them they would have to move with only 3 days notice and no more than two suitcases to somewhere in the Scotland region, creating mass panic, amongst refugee families, many of whom are settled in our communities for several years now.
They did this after walking out on a contract with Glasgow City Council over housing and support services for asylum seekers, with no concern for the vulnerable people who were affected.
Without any consultation or warning, the UKBA callously sent out letters of removal to 600 families on November 5th and created mass panic which resulted in agencies including ourselves being deluged with calls and visits from upset service users.  At least two women refugees were hospitalised after breaking down when they received the removal letter. It should not be forgotten that on March 7th 2010, a Russian family of three committed suicide together after being sent a letter from the UK Borders Agency telling them to go. The detrimental impact on refugees of the UKBA's communications cannot be under-estimated.
The UKBA said it plans to transfer the 600 families to private accommodation providers including the much criticised Angel Group and the YMCA (Y-People). But it now appears FROM THE ATTACHED CORRESPONDENCE despite sending out 600 letters and causing considerable psychological anguish to very vulnerable people, that the UKBA has not even met with the YMCA to EVEN DISCUSS the proposed transfer of responsibility for 1300 asylum seekers, a contract worth £13.5 million and involving 40 council staff jobs. (See first paragraph in attached letter).  
Positive Action in Housing has health and safety concerns as well as concerns about the emotional anguish caused to families and children having to move schools and home and community, where they put down roots.
Furthermore, amidst health and safety concerns, we understand that the angel group, a private landlord, is being considered as a possible accommodation provider for some of the 600 asylum families, many of whom are vulnerable, ie sick, disabled, elderly and families with children and babies.  
The Group previously had its contract cut drastically by the UK Borders Agency several months ago.   In March 2010, the Angel Group admitted that "...our numbers have been cut and people have been distributed to YMCA and GCC. As we now only accommodate one tenth of Asylum Seekers in Scotland we are only have a small operation". We understand that the Scottish Refugee Council had highlighted that the majority of repairs complaints it received were to do with the Angel Group. There is also the outstanding issue of the death of the Kataria baby in accommodation provided by the Angel Group under the UK Borders Agency contract, and the possibility of fatal accident enquiry and/or criminal proceedings being instigated by the Crown Office. There was no public statement by the UKBA at the time of the Kataria baby's death.  
  •  Why does the UKBA consider the Angel Group to now be a potential contender for the Council contract of housing very vulnerable people when it previously cut their contract?
Following the question of the council contract being raised in First Ministers Questions this afternoon, and a 1,000 signature petition presented to our First minister Alex Salmond today by pupils from Lourdes Secondary School, we call on the First Minister to press ahead and call for a complete halt to the contract transfer and for the UKBA to be replaced by competent negotiators who can sit down with the Council and hammer out a contract to ensure not one single family has to be moved. The UKBA has revealed itself not only to be callous and without any regard for human life, particularly poor, vulnerable people, but now also disorganised and incompetent to handle a contract.
We fear for the wellbeing of the 600 refugee families and continue the campaign for the Glasgow Council's contract to be reinstated. The Council is the best landlord and support service the asylum seekers have. Reinstate the contract.
Please continue to send in messages of support, these will be published in due course and read out at Saturday s protest in Glasgow (see below) when the UK Borders Agency's 5th November will be burned outside the UK Borders Agency's offices to show them what people think of their inhuman and shamewful actions on scottish soil.
Yours sincerely,
Robina Qureshi
Please donate to our humanitarian work at this time of severe economic cuts to enable us to continue our work, you can give a secure online donation via Justgiving or donate by PAYPAL  to donate@paih.org. Scottish Charity Reg: SCO27577. 
Rally in Support of 600 families facing eviction and Ceremonial Burning of the Letters
Descend on Brand Street – Renegotiate the Contract
Saturday 20 November 2010
Assemble 10.30 am for 11 am
Outside UK Borders Agency
151 Brand Street, Govan, Glasgow G51
(Nearest underground is CESSNOCK)
(Press enquiries: 07530 690 234 - RSVP/Messages of Support: home@paih.org )
A peaceful demonstration in protest at the UK Border Agency's decision to terminate the £10 million Glasgow asylum contract threatening removal, with only 3 days' notice, of 600 refugee families from their Glasgow City council homes and schools, where many have been settled for as long as nine years. Glasgow City Council will foot the bill for homelessness and social services, and council taxes could rise.
The Protest demands that the UK Borders Agency renegotiates a contract with Glasgow City Council.
Without any consultation or warning, the UKBA callously sent out letters of removal to 600 families on November 5th and created mass panic which resulted in agencies including ourselves being deluged with calls and visits from upset service users.  At least two women refugees were hospitalised after breaking down when they received the removal letter. The detrimental impact of the UKBA's communications on Glasgow refugee families cannot be under-estimated. On March 7th 2010, a Russian family of three committed suicide together after being sent a letter from the UK Borders Agency telling them to leave their accommodation.
Scotland has a long history of peaceful protest and standing our ground against inhumanity and injustice. Our message to the UK Borders Agency is, maybe you think they can get away with these cruel tactics in the "England region" but not here.
Keep up the pressure. If you or someone you know has received a letter from the UK Borders Agency on November 5th, then bring a copy and join in burning the letters in protest outside the UK Borders Agency, to show what we think of their letters and the misery they cause on Scottish soil.
Faith groups, trade unions, politicians, members of Glasgow City Council and Scotland's arts community will also join the protest.
This action is being supported by Positive Action in Housing, Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees, Right to Work Campaign, the Church of Scotland, the Unity Centre, and members of Glasgow City Council.

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