20 November, 2010

Athens: Muslims mark Eid with outdoor prayers (UPDATE: Muslims harassed)

Athens: Muslims mark Eid with outdoor prayers

Via M&C:

Thousands of Muslim immigrants gathered for outdoor prayer services across Athens on Tuesday to mark the festival of Eid-al-Adha.

Dozens of riot police were deployed in the city centre to protect the immigrants from attacks by extreme right-wing demonstrators who tried to disrupt the prayers.

Reports said a handful of protesters threw eggs at the group of faithful in central Athens before police intervened early on Tuesday.



Via FaithWorld:

While the Muslims prayed, some locals shouted obscenities from their balconies and waved Greek flags. Leaflets that depicted pigs — an animal Muslims consider unclean — were scattered across the square.

(Photo: Muslim immigrants pray near a leaflet thrown by extremists to insult their religion, during Eid al-Adha celebrations in central Athens November 16, 2010/Yannis Behrakis)

"There is a (unofficial) mosque near here but we're afraid to go there," said a 30-year old migrant from Bangladesh, who gave his name as Shamasul. "Sometimes Greeks in the neighborhood threaten to kill us."


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