14 December, 2009

The HSCCA 20th anniversary – Saturday 5 December 2009

The HSCCA 20th anniversary – Saturday 5 December 2009

Haringey Somali Community & Cultural Association (HSCCA) held its 20th anniversary at the Selby Centre in North London on Saturday the 5th of December 2009. The occasion was well attended and was celebrated from 7:30pm until 12 midnight. Around 250 people, comprising of services users, members, and friends of the HSCCA, staff, volunteers and management committee members of the Association took part in the celebration.

Amongst the dignitaries at the event were the HSCCA founders Osman Ahmed Hassan and Ahmed Omer Yusuf who together with the late Omer Maigag Samater established the HSCCA at a time when there were large numbers of Somalis coming to the UK fleeing the Somali civil war in the late 1980s. The Other dignitaries and guest speakers at the event were:

David Lammy MP – Minister for Higher Education and Intellectuals Property,

Councillor Ahmed Adam Omer - The Mayor of Tower Hamlets

Councillor Kaushika Amin – cabinet member for equalities, community involvement and community cohesion, Mathew Pelling – commissioning Manager – adult, culture & community services, Fazil kawani – Head of Development – Refugee Council Souad Akbur – Community development Officers Haringey DAAT, Solomon Yohanes – Curator – museum of London

Hanna Guled – a 10 years old service user of the HSCCA supplementary classes.

The occasion began with a brief address by Ibrahim Isse the master of the ceremony who shared with the guests how difficult it is to sustain community Organisations given the funding climate they operate. He said reaching 20 years is in it self a great achievement. Mr Isse introduced Mr Abdulghani Osman Sabban – the HSCCA Chair who after thanking the guests for taking part in the event put the importance of the event in perspective. Mr Sabban who is the 4th Chair of the HSCCA, paid tribute the HSCCA last Chair - Mr Abdullahi Roble who passed away in September 09 before introducing to the microphone Mr Osman Hassan – the HSCCA first Chair.

In his speech Mr Hassan talked about the history of the HSCCA. He informed the audience how the late Evelyn Oldfied of Trust for London has helped the Association during its foundation years by helping the founders to secure a grant of £5000 from the Trust. Mr Hassan recalled his friendship with the Late Omer Maigag Samater, by sharing with the audience, how in the mid 1980s he was encouraged to settle in the London borough of Haringey by Mr Samater

Osman Ahmed Hassan - First Chair -HSCCA

Mr Hassan's speech was followed by a brief addresses from Ms Souad Akbur and Mr Leon Joseph who talked about Haringey Khat Project partnership and Haringey parents and community forum respectively. The HSCCA took active part in the KHAT partnership and is an active member of the parents and community forum.

One of the other partnerships the Association was involved in over the years was that of the Refugee Community Oral History Project. This was a partnership between the Association, Museum of London, London metropolitan University, Evelyn Oldfield unit and 15 Refugee community Organisations. Mr Solomon Yohanes of the Museum of London gave a speech about this work representing Ms Annette Day who couldn't make it.

The youngest speaker at the anniversary was Hanna Guled A. Mohamed. Hanna who is only 10 years old expressed how happy she was in taking part in the Anniversary and told the audience how proud she is to be part of the HSCCA supplementary classes which she attends over the week ends. Hana talked about the difference the classes make in the educational standard of the children who attend the sessions.

In a passionate speech, Mr Mathew Pelling who is a long term friend of the HSCCA, said "we are al one family – one big family". He said he wishes the HSCCA lots of success and for the Organisation to be one that not only serves the Somali Community but the whole local community in Haringey in the future.

Mr Mathew Pelling

As an interval – the legendary Somali Musician Mohamed Macalo played a Somali traditional Qarami song sang by the Somali Singer Abdulkarim Ismail (Raas). Raas greeted Osman Hassan who was sitting in the front row of the hall and informed the audience that celebrating 20 years work is a long time achievement, but that the Qarami song he is singing is much older as it is from the 1950s and 1960s.

Mr Fazil Kawani who himself lead an RCO for many yerars before becoming head of Development at the Refugee Council echoed Ibrahim Isse's sentiments by reiterating how difficult it is to run voluntary sector organisations particularly during the economic down turn we are in. Mr Kawani congratulated the HSCCA for serving and supporting the community for 20 years.

Mr Fazil Kawani

Councillor Amin who was amongst the guest speakers at the event said it is about time we see Somali councillors in Haringey. She said the next generation of young Somalis must take active part in this society and be visible on all the key professions in the borough.

Cllr - Amin

The event was fortunate to have as a guest speaker the Mayor of Tower Hamlets: Councillor Ahmed Adam Omer who is the first Somali Mayor in the UK and the first Somali Mayor of Tower Hamlets. The Mayor was introduced to the Mic with a traditional Somali music and dance. In what looked like the movie coming to America, the Mayor did not expect the African beat that accompanied him to the Microphone. He said this was not planned when he started speaking. Mayor Ahmed Omer who is highly respected within the Somali Community congratulated the HSCCA for its achievement and encouraged the community to engage civic participating

Councillor Ahmed Adam Omer who is the first Somali Mayor in the UK


When the time came for my speech - I expressed my deepest thanks and gratitude to all the guests at the event. My speech briefly explored the British Immigration system and how the system changed over the years. I also shed light on how diversity which was always highly valued in the UK is now seriously scrutinised particularly since the 7/7 bombings in London. I lalso paid tribute to Mr abdullahi Roble – the HSCCA last chair was a great friend and mentor to me. Mohamed Omer Maigag (Taag) - Director - HSCCA



Finally – the formal part of the anniversary was wrapped up by a key note speech by David Lammy MP. In an inspirational speech David talked about the success of Barack Obama as the First Black President of the United stated and said who knows the next Prime Minister of this country may be sitting here with us tonight. He invoked the Obama cliché "Yes We Can" and encouraged the audience to register and vote at the next election.

David Lammy MP

After a delicious Somali soft dinner, the famous Somali Singer Kaltun Bacdo, and the Singers Farah Awil and Hassan Ibrahim entertained guests with famous traditional and modern Somali songs performed by the legendary Somali pianist Mohamed Ma'alo.

Many people consisting of HSCCA staff, MC, volunteers, members, services users and friends of HSCCA contributed to the success of this anniversary. Special thanks to all of them.

Mohamed Omer Maigag (Taag)



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