29 November, 2009


    Let us cite some of the innumerable evidences showing that
Muhammad ('alaihi 's-salam) is the Most Superior (Sayyid al-Anbiya')
of prophets ('alaihimu 's-salawatu wa 't-taslimat).

    On the Day of Judgement all prophets will shelter in the shade of
his banner. Allahu ta'ala commanded all prophets ('alaihimu 's-salam)
that, if they would remain alive till the time of Muhammad ('alaihi
's-salam), who, among creatures, was His Darling Elect, they should
believe him and be his assistant. Also, all prophets ordered their
ummas [1] the same in their last requests.

    Muhammad ('alaihi 's-salam) was the Khatam al-anbiya' (the Last
Prophet), that is, no prophet will succeed him. His blessed soul was
created before all prophets. The status of nubuwwa was given first to
him. Nubuwwa (prophecy) was completed with his honouring the world.
Towards the end of the world, during the time of Hadrat [2] al-Mahdi,
'Isa (alaihi 's-salam) will descend from the sky to Damascus and join
Muhammad's ('alaihi 's-salam) umma and preach Islam on the earth.
[1] Umma (al-Muhammadiyya): the Muslim umma; followers of Muhammad
('alaihi 's-salam).
[2] Hadrat: title of respect used before the names of great people
like and Islamic scholars.

The best advisor is the one which leads you to Mawla (Allahu ta'ala).
Abdussalam bin Mashish al-Hasani "Rahmatullahi alaih"

'One should carefully choose whom to love, and share the love accordingly'

'What is important is whom you are with, not who you are.'

'Kalam-i kibar, kibar-i kalamast.'
(The words of the superiors are the superior words.)

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