19 September, 2009

What Will You Do On the Day of `Eid? (Tell us)

What Will You Do On the Day of `Eid? (Tell us)

By Ali Al-Halawani

Deputy Editor in Chief — English IslamOnline.net

The blessed month of Ramadan is nearly over and, hence, the annual competition in goodness is coming to an end. Surely, Ramadan is like a huge market in which some people win while others lose. For those who win, they should keep their morals up and continue doing the good things they have learnt during these most precious days. As for the others, they should exert themselves to make up for their great loss and should endeavor to make the best of the days to come in terms of doing good deeds and expanding goodness.

Following Ramadan comes `Eid Al-Fitr with its joy and happiness. It may be considered compensation or something to alleviate our sorrow for parting Ramadan. `Eid Al-Fitr is different from Ramadan in terms of programs and habits and every one of us may have his or her own rituals in `Eid.

Share with us your own plans for `Eid Al-Fitr so as to tell us whom you are going to greet first, visit first, how will you start your day as well as a detailed account of your whole program throughout the three days of `Eid Al-Fitr.

`Eid Mubarak to you and to all Muslims.

Ali Al-Halawani is a doctoral candidate, the managing editor of the Shari`ah Department (English IslamOnline.net), and deputy editor in chief of the the same site. He graduated from Al-Azhar University and got his MA in religious translation from the Faculty of Al-Alsun (Languages), Al-Minia University. He writes occasionally for Islamonline.net. You can reach him atali.halawani@iolteam.com.

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