27 August, 2009

Somalilanders stop rewarding an Afweyne ex-employee with the Somaliland presidency?

Somalilanders stop rewarding an Afweyne ex-employee with the Somaliland presidency?

Somalilanders stop rewarding an Afweyne ex-employee with the Somaliland presidency? thumbnail

No one who knows the history of our nation will fail to appreciate just how lucky we have been, that our nation has remained united, thus far – despite the threat to its cohesion posed by the determined efforts of the Afweyne ex-employee and other criminal politicians in our midst. I do not think politics is untouchable or downgraded. I don't think I made any statements to that effect. But yes, politics needs to be cleansed by removing all kinds of people who seek to divide on the basis of tribal, caste and creed.
The eagerness to line up behind a self-fish politicians and excuse the compromise of even the most precious principles is what I don't understand. By letting our elected officials off the hook on the hard cases simply because we can understand the political calculations that made their actions expedient, we abdicate our proper role as citizens.Our primary concern should be truth and justice, not the daily sausage of political hackery. We should not ourselves become politicians just because we understand the tactical environment they inhabit, but seeing at what happened lately, is intolerable.inappropriate, eventhough good catfight. can be quite a sight, particularly if the characters involved in the screaming and scratching.
However; catfight can become downright dangerous if it starts with tasteless remarks and throwing chairs. For the past months or so we have watched in horror as the nation teetered on the brink of political mayhem. The nation was virtually on knife-edge.We saw how opposition political parties, emboldened by Axmed silaayo and Eng. Faysal, sought to take on the government on the streets.The government of dahir rayaale, which the opposition accuses of crass arrogance, refused to bow to the opposition demands.In fact the government told the opposition parties to "go hang".We feared the worst under those circumstances.
Everyone can see that Rayaale ( Afweyne ex- employee) is acting deliberately against Somaliland people, and his character is always evident for any who cared to look at the evidence. It is still obvious, for those who will bother to look and listen to the empty words coming from the man today . Or, better still, just carefully examine the policies he and his cronies are foisting upon this nation. He puts our political standard to an unbelievable low and his effects are now beginning to wear off. Dahir rayaale is, then, not shocking so much as deeply depressing. While not personally corrupt, he has done his best to corrupt what little faith the voters may have left in the political process. The Government cannot have things both ways; they cannot complain about voter  when president routinely spin and obfuscate their way out of trouble and everything is subordinated to the demands of political expediency.
I do not claim to speak on behalf of all S'landers, however; I have strong convictions that many share my sentiments. Our concern today is not who rules the nation or heads the state governments but the looming bad democracy. Therefore; we must speak plainly and boldly against those who seek to tear our nation apart with their foolish dreams of restoring a feudal system that thrived on deception, and the enslavement of others. I do not think that any genuine nationalist will ever sit unconcerned and allow a few greedy and selfish tribal's & a dictator to make us go through what nations like Sudan; Chad; Zimbabwe; Kenya; DR Congo; Rwanda and Burundi have gone through – just because somaliland has become a nation in which good and honest people, in a society full of hypocrites and moral cowards, are too afraid to speak out against the goof-off , goldbrick, weak son of a gun ( Dahir Rayaale) who doesn't help the people of this nation? Pity that. No one should have a luxury cruises, or an exotic cars and tours while the people of this nation are dying of thirst and hungry. No more mild-mannered cheerleaders sort of character. We must not tolerate his/their attempt to destabilize our nation so that his/their past sins against our nation can remain hidden from ordinary S'landers.
Hello !! Isn't it time that our political leaders stop the catfight and concentrate on delivering on the real issues affecting S'land?
There are important lessons that we can all draw from this week's events.
We would be grossly irresponsible as the media if we were to fail to sound a word of warning to political leadership of the nation.

The first lesson as a nation is that we must proceed with caution in dealing with the volatile issue surrounding the dispute over the opposition demands.

We are happy that the government and the opposition have begun a process of dialogue to deal with the election dispute.
We think it is critical to deal with that issue so as to avoid a repetition.
This is what the government and the opposition should have done in the first place.
But it is still not too late to begin dialogue in the search for peace.
We should be humble enough to sit down and talk to our political rivals for the sake of peace.
Even the worst of political enemies sit on the same table and talk.
We gain nothing as a people from doggedly pursuing the politics of acrimony. Now is the time to bury the hatchet and give real dialogue a chance.
It is easy for the government to gloat over the spectacular failure of this week's stay-away.
The temptation for the government would be to want to rub it in and tell the opposition that "we told you so".
We hope the government will resist that temptation and accord the opposition some dignity to save face. This is not about point-scoring. It is about doing what is best for the nation.
Our politicians must harness all their powers and strengths for the national good.
There are a lot of issues in our nation that are desperately crying for attention.
Our political leaders would do a lot of good if they stop these cat-fights and concentrate on improving the general lot of the people.
Thousands of our people are wallowing in abject squalor.Some do not have clean drinking water in their homes .
Let's just hope this message is well absorbed by these politicians otherwise, we can only pray hard and endure all their silly power crazy quest and leave the nation to rot, or they will stop the power chase and call for a truce and focus on the nation.

By: Asiya Garow/ Hibaaq.
Toronto, Canada.

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