25 August, 2009

Somaliland: Ruling Party MPs Disrupt Parliament Session

Somaliland: Ruling Party MPs Disrupt Parliament Session

Members of the ruling party parliamentarians violently disrupted the normal session of the parliament today. The UDUB members of the parliament who are the minority, were said to be fearful of possible sanctions against Riyale administration. Just over a week ago the parliament passed a bill ruling unlawful a decision reached jointly by president Riyale and the  National Electoral Commission (NEC) to suspend the voter registration list.

The parliament gave the president and the NEC a week to comply with the ruling. That week ended August 20th without any response from Riyale.

Several UDUB MPs broke furniture and damaged other equipment as the normal sessions of the parliament were to begin. The Speaker of the parliament, Mr Abdirahman M. Abdillahi (Cirro) later announced the formation of a subcommittee composed of members from both sides to look into the complaints of UDUB MPs.

The Speaker said after holding talks with all sides an agreement has been reached that will allow the normal parliament sessions to continue.

Mr. Cirro, asked whether he was going to take appropriate actions against the MPs who violently disrupted the session and damaged equipment in the hall, said "He is offering to talk" to the MPs in question. "If that does not bring order [to the parliament], the law will be followed".

"Their behavior is visible to the constituents from where they were elected." he added.

Other MPs expressed revulsion and condemned the actions of the UDUB MPs.

Mr. Ahmed A. Kijandhe, a KULMIYE MP elected from Hargeisa region, accused Riyale of being behind the actions of the UDUB MPs. He said the actions of the MPs "is part of and follows the interruption of other lawful institutions in the country including the National Election Commission". He added "these attempts to disrupt the parliament will fail".

Mr. Kijandhe's blame on the president, follows a recent reported meeting Riyale and some of his ministers had with the UDUB MPs.

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