29 December, 2008


29 December 2008 / 01 Muharram 1430
The first night of the month of Muharram (i.e. the night between zi-l-hijja 30 and muhrram 1,) is the Muslims' new year’s night. Muharram is the first month of the Islamic year. The first day of Muharram is the Muslim’s new year's day.

Disbelievers celebrate Christmas on the first night of January, which is their new year. They commit the actions of disbelief commanded by the Christian religion. They worship on that night. And Muslims, too, on their new year’s night and day, congratulate one another by mail,(by e-mail,) (or by calling one another). They visit one another, give presents to one another. They celebrate the New Year via media. They send their prayers so that the New Year will be beneficial and prosperous for them and for all Muslims. They visit their parents and the savants at their homes and get their benedictions. On that day they wear new garments as if it were a day of ’Iyd. They give alms to the poor.

The people of Europe and America are mostly Christians and Jews and they have holy books. Copernicus, the founder of modern astronomy, was a priest in Freienburg. Bacon, the great physicist of England, was a priest belonging to the Franciscan Church. The famous French physicist Pascal was a priest and wrote religious books while exploring the laws of physics and geometry. The famous Richelieu, who was France’s greatest prime minister and the one who brought France to the leading position in Europe, was a high ranking clergyman. Also Schiller, the well-known German doctor and poet, was a priest. Bergson, the French thinker and a world-famous philosopher, in his books defended spirituality against the attacks of materialists. Those who read his books Matlère et Mèmomiera, Les deux Sources de la Morale et de la Religion and Essai sur les Données Immédiates de la Conscience will eagerly believe in religion and the next world.

William James, the well-known American philosopher, founded the sect of pragmatism; and in his book Religious Experiments and others, he praised being a believer. French doctor Pasteur, who had studied infectious diseases, bacteria and various vaccinations, willed that his funeral be performed with a religious ceremony. Finally, F. D. Roosevelt, an American President, who administered the world in the Second World War, and the British Prime Minister Churchill were Christian believers.
Many scientists and politicians, whose names we cannot remember, were all persons who believed in the Creator, the next world, and angels. Who can ever claim that those who disbelieve are wiser than these people? They would have been good Muslims if they had seen and read Islamic books. But reading, even touching, Islamic books was prohibited and even deemed a grave sin by their priests. Those priests prevented people from attaining happiness both in the world and in the Hereafter.

If you are good to your parents, your children will also be good to you.Hadith-i sharif

'One should carefully choose whom to love, and share the love accordingly'
'What is important is whom you are with, not who you are.'
'Kalam-i kibar, kibar-i kalamast.'(The words of the superiors are the superior words.)
www.serenityfountain.org www.huzurpinari.com


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