19 September, 2008

SAC Interview with Mr. Mohamed Beergeel, Member of Central Committee, Kulmiye Party

SAC Interview with Mr. Mohamed Beergeel, Member of Central Committee, Kulmiye Party
You are cordially invited to participate in this conference call hosted bySomaliland American Council. The Keynote speaker is Mr. Mohamed Beergeel,Member of Central Committee, Kulmiye Party,

Date and time: Sunday, September 21, at 1 pm ET Time (6pm London time)
Agenda; Kulmiye Convention in Burco, Candidates from Kulmiye, & disagreements within Kulmiye
Keynote Speaker; Mr. Mohamed Beergeel, Member of central Committee, Kulmiye Party

To participate in this conference call please do the following:
1 - Call the conference bridge number: Dial-in #: (712) 432-10012 - Enter conference Attendee Passcode: 410-651-111 then (enter #)3 - Please send questions to Mr. Mohamed Beergeel to this email address: questions@somalilandamerican.com
Mr. Mohamed Beergeel will discuss the proceedings of the Kulmiye Convention in Burco, he was taking the minutes of the meeting; he’ll discuss the outcome and politics of the meeting, and he’ll discuss what has transpired in the reconciliation meetings that he chaired during his stay in Hargeysa.This conference is one you do not want to miss, because it will set the record straight.
Somaliland American Council


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