05 September, 2008


Monotheism is the essence of the religion of Islam and the pivot of all revealed religions as well. To this effect, Allah, Most Gracious, says: “Not a Messenger did We send before you without this inspiration sent by Us to him: that there is no god but I; therefore, worship and serve Me (Alone).” [XXI ; 25]

According to the teachings of Islam, there is only one God (Allah), Who is the Creator of everything, the Lord of everything, to Whom do belong creation and decision of all things and matters, and to Whom is our Return. He, All-Mighty, is the Only God (Allah) in the heavens and the earth. To this effect, Allah, Most Gracious, says, “Your Lord is the (sure) Accomplisher of what He plans.” [XI ; 107] ,“And to Him is every affair is returned (for decision); and, therefore, worship Him and put your trust in Him” [XI ; 123]

In Islam, it is only Allah Who is worthy of worship, praise, and obedience. Imam Al-Boukhari and Imam Muslim narrated that Mo’ath Ibn Jabal (May Allah be pleased with him) said: I was riding behind the Prophet (PBUH), when he addressed me, saying: “O Mo’ath Ibn Jabal!” I said: “Here I am at your service, O Messenger of Allah!” Then, he kept riding for a while and then said: “O Mo’ath!” I said: “Here I am at your service, O Messenger of Allah!” He rode on for a while and then said: “O Mo’ath!” I said: “Here I am at your service, O Messenger of Allah!” He said: “Do you know what Allah’s right upon His slaves is?” I said: “Allah and His Messenger know best.” He said: “Allah’s right upon his slaves is to worship Him, Alone, and not to take any partner unto him.” He rode on for a while and then said: “O Mo’adh Ibn Jabal!” I said: “Here I am at your service, O Messenger of Allah!” He said: “Do you know what the slaves’ right upon Allah is – if they so did?” I said: “Allah and His Messenger know best.” He said: “The slaves’ right upon Allah is not to torture them.”

Allah says: “I have only created Jinns and men that they may serve Me (Alone).” [CI; 56] In other words, Allah’s right upon His slaves is to worship Him (Alone) and not to take any partner unto Him. And the slaves’ right upon Allah is not to torture those who do not take any partner unto Him.

Ø Prerequisites of Monotheism:

v Man should not take a lord - other than Allah - whom he glorifies as much as he glorifies Allah. “Say: shall I seek for (myself) a lord other than Allah, when He is the Lord of all things (that exist)?” [VI ; 164]
Whosoever believes that there is someone, other than Allah, who can give or withhold, who can upgrade or degrade, or who can honor or humiliate – away from Allah’s Will – is a polytheist. To this effect, Allah, All-Mighty, says, “Say: "O Allah! Lord of Power (and Rule), You give Power to whom You please, and You strip off Power from whom You please; You endue with honour whom You please, and You bring low whom You please; In Your Hand is all Good. Verily, over all things You have power.” [III ;26]

v Man should not take a friend and protector - other than Allah - whom he loves as much as he loves Allah. Allah, Most Gracious, says, “Say: shall I take for myself a friend (and protector) other than Allah, the Maker of the heavens and the earth?!” [VI ; 14] He, All-High, also says: “Those who say, ‘Our Lord is Allah’ and, further, stand straight and steadfast, the angels descend on them: ‘Fear you not! Nor grieve! But receive the Glad Tidings of the Garden (of Bliss), which you were promised! We are your friends in this life and in the Hereafter: therein shall you have all that your souls shall desire; and therein shall you have all that you ask for!’” [XCI ; 30-32]

v Man should not take a judge - other than Allah - whom he obeys as much as he obeys Allah. Allah, All-Mighty, tackles this issue: “Say: shall I seek for a judge other than Allah? when it is He Who has sent unto you the Book, explained in detail.” [VI ; 114] He, Most Merciful, also says: “It is not fitting for a believer, man or woman, when a matter has been decided by Allah and His Messenger, to have any option about their decision.” [XXXIII ; 36]

Ø Good Fruits of Monotheism:

v Monotheism emancipates man from all kinds of servitude except to his Lord, Allah, the One and Only, Who created and honoured him. Monotheism liberates man’s mind from superstitions and illusions. Monotheism liberates man’s conscience from submission and humiliation. Monotheism liberates man’s life from hegemony of those who deify themselves.

v Monotheism helps man establish a sober personality when he knows his goals in life and his way therein, when he knows that there is only One God, Allah, to Whom he should resort in his secret and open life, Whom he should turn to in supplication in weal and woe, and Whom he should strive to please in all things, small or big. In the Holy Quran, Joseph, (PBUH), says: “O my two companions of the prison (I ask you): are many lords differing among themselves better, or the One Allah, Supreme and Irresistible?” [XII ; 39] Other Quranic Verses also go: “Allah puts forth a Parable: a man belonging to many partners at variance with each other, and a man belonging entirely to one master; are those two equal in comparison? Praise be to Allah but most of them have no knowledge.” [XXXIX ; 29]

v Monotheism fills man’s heart with peace, tranquility and security, and repels fear and worry from which polytheists suffer badly. This is because a true montheist blocks the ways to fear and worry that people open to themselves: fear for sustenance and provision, fear for existence and safety, fear for the family and children, fear from human beings, fear from Jinns, fear from death, and fear from what is to come after death. A true believer who testifies to Allah’s Oneness fears no one but Him, All-Mighty. Therefore, he is peaceful and secure when people are afraid, he is confident when people are worried, and he is well-balanced when people are confused. To this effect, Allah, All-Mighty, says: “which of the two parties has more right to security, if you but were to know?!‏ It is those who believe and confuse not their beliefs with wrong that are (truly) in security, for they are on (right) guidance.” [VI ; 81-82] He, Most Gracious, also says: “So call not on any other god with Allah, or you will be among the chastised.” [XXVI ; 213]

v Psychologically speaking, Monotheism is a source of a great strength, as it fills man’s soul with confidence in Allah the Almighty, trust in Him, contentment with His Divine Decree, endurance twards His trials and tests, and reliance on Him and not anyone else. A true monotheist is as strong as a deep-rooted mountain, withstanding all troubles, hardships and mischiefs. In this context, Allah, Most Merciful, says: “If Allah does touch you with hurt, there is none that can remove it but He; if he does design some benefit for you, there is none that can keep back his Favour; He causes it to reach whomsoever of His servants that He desires. And He is the Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.” [X ; 107] He, Glory to Him, also says: “So scheme (your worst) against me, all of you, and give me no respite. I have put my trust in Allah, my Lord and your Lord; there is not a moving creature, but He has grasp of its forelock. Verily, it is my Lord that is on a Straight Path.” [XI ; 55-56]

v Monotheism is the basis of brotherhood and equality among human beings. This is because brotherhood and equality are not achieved among people if some of them are lords of others. But they can easily be achieved if all mankind consider themselves as slaves of one Lord, Allah, All-Mighty, the Sublime, the Creator, the Educator, the Disposer, the Provider, the Sustainer, the Judge, and the One to Whom is their Final Return. Only then can brotherhood and equality be established among all fellow humans.

To wrap up, It has been rightly said: “Mankind have never learnt anything better than Monotheism.” It has also been said: “The most sublime stage of (human) knowledge is Monotheism, and the most paramount stage of (human) work is piety.”
source: nabulsi.com

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