18 February, 2006

Welsh Parliament invites Somaliland Parliament

Welsh Parliament invites Somaliland Parliament
19 Feb, 2006 -
The Chair and the Director of Somali Advice & Information Centre has today announced that “Welsh Assembly “Parliament” issued an Official invitation to Rt. Hon. Saleban Mohamed Adan, Chairman of House of Elder (Gurti) and Rt. Hon. Abdirahman Mohamed Abdillahi, Chairman of House of Representatives.Mr.Abdikarim Adan, The Director said,” We are very proud to lead and manage the forthcoming historical tour of the UK by Somaliland Parliamentary Delegation. The Delegation during their visit in London and Cardiff will meet with Local, Regional and Central Government officials, elected Members of the UK Parliament, Government Ministers, Welsh Assembly Members and Local Councillors in Wales and England as well as many International NGOs based in the UK.

Mr. Ahmed Hassan Arwo, Chairman of Somali Advice & Information Centre, said” We are extremely honoured that, our association once more has successfully lobbied for this great invitation, which will offer good governance and practical experience to the newly elected Somaliland Parliament. Our success is shared by all UK Somaliland Communities in different cities and counties. We always strife to build a fruitful bridge between our home country and our adopted nation. This visit will inject a huge experience to enhance the performance of the new born democracy, learned from the mother of all parliaments, the British Parliament. I wish to express our appreciation and extend our congratulations to the Welsh Assembly Government and to Westminster Parliament for making this historical event a reality.”

"Cardiff Somaliland Community elders welcome this milestone visit, which will present them an opportunity to meet political leaders of their home country.
They spelled loud and clear their gratitude and delight, with the successful efforts of Somali Advice & Information Centre in undertaking this landmark tour.” said, Mr. Ahmed Arwo.Finally, Mr. Ahmed Hassan Arwo, said, “On behalf of the Community I nominated Mr. Abdikarim Abdi Adan who initiated, in our name, this noble task, to be the main lead Officer for the Tour, and I am sure he will be supported by prominent community members in each city, as need may arise.”

For further details contact the following people:-
Mr. Ahmed Hassan Arwo
Somaliland Community in Wales
Email: samotalis@gmail.com

Mr. Abdikarim Abdi Adan


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